Gold Wars: The Battle Against Sound Money As Seen From A Swiss Perspective
304 pages/ ISBN 0-9710380-0-7 By Ferdinand Lips, Edited by Larry Parks
Gold Wars deals with gold’s history, the gold rushes and the abandonment of gold-as-money under the modern welfare/warfare state. It shows how governments, fearing the affinity of free people for gold, fight it, thereby helping to destroy whole countries along with the gold mining industry. The book highlights the betrayal of gold-rich Switzerland. The author condemns gold “hedging,” gold market manipulation by governments and bullion banks, fiat money and debt. He concludes that only a gold standard can return an ailing world economy to its full potential, reduce unemployment, help restore law and order, and help to secure peace and freedom for mankind.
The book Gold Wars is extraordinary. It will be a classic. It is past, present and future—not only for and about gold but about society and what hope there is for liberty. At last you will understand what the gold standard really was, and why politicians make war on gold. You will want fifty copies for your best friends, press and politicians. Gold Wars, the best book ever written about gold.
Harry D. Schultz (Int’l Harry Schultz Letter)